Hyperdontia: How Many Teeth Should I Have?

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Do you know someone with too many teeth? While you might think that having more of something is a good thing, this is not one of those circumstances. There is a little-known condition called hyperdontia whereby an individual may have more than the normal amount of teeth. Around 200,000 people in the U.S. suffer from this problematic condition.

As a child, you should only grow 20 teeth starting around 6 months. Kids usually start losing their baby teeth anywhere between 5-7 years old to make way for their 32 permanent adult teeth. The last baby tooth, a cuspid or second molar, should drop at the age of 12. By the time you reach the age of 21, the natural process is done.

That is the normal process, but for those with hyperdontia they begin to grow extra or “supernumerary” teeth. They can have one come in alongside the natural ones and look fairly normal, or they can sprout over 30 of them all over their gums and palate. The cause is still a mystery although theorists agree there is probably a genetic component.

The only known treatment for hyperdontia is to extract the teeth as quickly as they come in. Supernumerary teeth can become a problem for proper bite alignment, so the sooner this condition can be caught, the better.

If you’d like more education about dental conditions and oral health, call Dr. Bijan Ahmadzadeh and our helpful team at Ariel Dental. Phone: 570-689-2449, or come by our office in Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania.